Chainsaw Safety Guide

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Chainsaw Beginner’s Guide

While you may be ready to jump right in with your chainsaw, you need to realize that these are very dangerous tools. A simple misstep could easily lead to the loss of a limb, or even your life. Educating yourself before you use one is the best choice you can make to ensure your safety, and the safety of those around you.

Read the Manual chainsaw safety guide

All chainsaws have their own instructions for use, and it is very important for you to read the manual. This will allow you to become familiar with all of the components, and make sure you know how to properly use all of the features on the device.

Get Prepared

You should never use a chainsaw before being properly trained on how to use one. Logging and other professions that require the use of a chainsaw are some of the most dangerous jobs available. You should seek out a professional, or someone who is well trained in chainsaw use and ask them to show you exactly how to use one. While you may be able to figure everything out just by using it on your own, there is significant risk involved. If you make just one mistake, you could end up severely wounded, cause serious damage, or it could even result in death.

Chainsaw Safety is all about wearing the proper equipment gloves for chainsaw use

Whether you are on a work site, or working in your own back yard, you should always wear the proper protective equipment to protect yourself. You should make sure you have the following safety equipment, and wear it every time you use the chainsaw.

  • A hard hat to protect yourself from any falling branches or limbs.
  • Safety goggles if your hard hat does not have a face shield to protect your eyes.
  • Ear plugs to prevent damage from the high decibel levels.
  • Leather or other comparably strong gloves to prevent cuts and abrasions
  • Properly fitting clothing to ensure that there is nothing loose enough to get caught on branches or in the chain.
  • Steel toed boots to protect your feet from falling branches or debris.
  • Chainsaw chaps that are made from ballistic nylon fibers. These will protect your legs, and will also stop the chainsaw if it comes in contact with them.

First Aid

You should make sure that you have a fully stocked first aid kit on hand that includes absorbent bandages and towels. You should also make sure you know what to do in the event of heavy bleeding, shock, or loss of consciousness. It is very easy for a chainsaw to kick back, which can result in very deep cuts or severed limbs. Knowing what to do in these situations can be the difference between a bad injury, or death.

Starting and Operating the Chainsaw

When starting the chainsaw, you need to make sure you have a firm grip on the handle, and that you are fully balanced. You should also make sure that you are on a stable surface that will not tip or allow you to slip when you pull the starter. While you are using the chainsaw, you need to make sure that both hands are on it at all times, and that you are on a stable surface to prevent any slips or falls.

Chainsaws can be very useful tools in many situations, but you need to respect the level of danger that is always present during use. By following the proper safety procedures, you can make sure that you keep yourself, your property, and anyone who may be in the area safe.

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