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Generac Power Washer Reviews
Over the years, I’ve used my fair share of Generac Pressure Washers. You may be familiar with the brand as a premier manufacturer of home and commercial generators, and they’ve brought their same excellent engines to work and put together a solid lineup of pressure washers.
Here I’ll compare what I believe to be their top 3 models available today, the Generac 6596, 6598, and 6565.
Model | PSI | Hose Length | Type | Price |
Generac 6596 | 2,800 PSI | 25 ft | Residential | $$ Check Price |
Generac 6598 | 3,100 PSI | 30 ft | Residential | $$ Check Price |
Generac 6565 | 4,200 PSI | 50 ft | Commercial | $$$ Check Price |
Generac 6596 Pressure Washer
Starting with the 2800 PSI residential category, they offer the Generac 6596 Pressure Washer.
I have found this size to be a fan favorite over the years with plenty of power to take care of all of the basics. You want to clean the siding, spray out the gutters, or wash off the muddy ATV? This size machine will handle all of that for you, no doubt about it.
One bonus of this model compared to the competing brands is the easy pull sprayer handle – if you’ve ever used a pressure washer for an extended period of time, you’ll really appreciate this feature. These guys understand that not everyone has Popeye forearms!
Another thing to really like about this model is the integrated ¾ gallon detergent tank. This really comes in handy when using soap to clean the siding or deck. No more hose in a bucket with this baby!
And when you’ve finished a hard day’s work the 6596 has a built in holder for the spray gun. Nice to see a company still paying attention to the details.
Generac 6598 Power Washer
If you need a bit more power around the house, or even the occasional heavy duty task, consider the 3,100 PSI Generac 6598 model.
This machine will do everything the little brother can do and a bit more.
In my experience I have found this added power comes in handy when doing more intensive tasks, like cleaning stubborn stains off of concrete. Oil stains can be really pesky for less powerful models to take care of, but not this beast!
A unique feature of this powerful machine is a convenient foot rest on the front part of the frame. This can really help stabilize the pressure washer when pull starting the engine. Pulling the string on a moving object can really make for a sore shoulder in the morning! You’ll grow to appreciate that foot rest, I promise.
The 6598 also features an additional ¾ gallon detergent tank for twice as much cleaner storage. This is great for those of you who like to make your own washer detergent.
I should mention that both of these residential washers feature a rearward-facing pump that makes hose hookups a breeze. The 6598 comes with a 30 foot hose, an extra 5 feet compared to most residential washers.
Generac 6565 Commercial Pressure Washer
Last but surely not least, the big daddy of the Generac lineup is the 6565 commercial machine that has an impressive 4,200 PSI of pressure generation and a 50-foot hose.
One of the ways to distinguish a heavy-duty commercial model is the full metal frame that surrounds the engine and pump, protecting it on even the most dangerous of jobs.
The 6565 also features pneumatic tires unlike the hard plastic that the residential models roll around on. This definitely comes in handy on a jobsite.
A monster commercial machine like this utilizes an engine that is DOUBLE the size of a 2700 PSI residential model.
My recommendation when looking at one of these Generac power washers for commercial use is to go ahead and get the big dog. No reason to spend the money for a commercial washer and get one with only residential power.
Generac makes this machine to last and offers an additional year of warranty for this commercial model – 3 years compared to 2 years for the residential ones listed above.
Got a dump truck bed you need to clean out? A pool cleaning business? Or a cement truck you’d really like to keep clean? This machine will get the job done, day in and day out!
For Reviews on all Generac Models Click Here
From my experience I can say you definitely won’t be disappointed with one of these excellent Generac Pressure Washers.